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SQL Size script: raise alert if average daily database growth is > 500 MB
Details: A read-write database will usually experience some daily growth.  This script raises an alert if a databases’ average daily growth is larger than 500 MB. Sample alert: Code: procedure Main; var ADatabase: TDatabase// store a database reference GrowthStats: TGrowthStats// store a growth statistics record Growth: Integer;  // store the growth value in bytes f: Integer;  // loop variable begin for f := 0 to Instance.DatabaseCount - 1 do  begin //  get a reference to the current database in the loop ADatabase := Instance.Database(f); //  get the average growth over the last 2 days Growth := ADatabase.AverageDailyGrowth(48, GrowthStats);  if (Growth > (500 * MB)) and (GrowthStats.Days >= 1.95) then  begin RaiseAlert('Average growth of database is ' + FormatBytes(Growth) + ' over the last ' + FloatToStr(GrowthStats.Days) + ' days.', ADatabase); end; end; end; Walk-through: In the main code block, loop through each database on the current instance. for f := 0 to Instance.DatabaseCount - 1 do  begin ... end; Get a reference to each database in the loop. //  get a reference to the current database in the loop ADatabase := Instance.Database(f);  For each database, get its growth statistics.  We want to collect data that is at least 2 days old, so we use 48 hours as the cut-off point.  SQL Size will use the first data point that is at least 48 hours old or less. Growth := ADatabase.AverageDailyGrowth(48, GrowthStats); Check if the average daily growth is larger than 500 MB... if (Growth > (500 * MB)) and ... ... and that the last collected data point is at least 47 hours old.  We use a cut-off point of 47 hours because we don’t want to use data that is too recent. ... (GrowthStats.Days >= 1.95) then  begin ... end; Raise an alert if the above 2 conditions are met.  The growth value is also displayed in the alert. RaiseAlert('Average growth of database is ' + FormatBytes(Growth) + ' over the last ' + FloatToStr(GrowthStats.Days) + ' days.', ADatabase);
analyse database growth easily using charts and graphs raise alerts when database growth exceed expectations identify the largest and fastest growing data files quickly have growth reports sent to you daily via email supports SQL Server 2005 and newer versions

Analyse SQL Server database

and table growth using 

SQL Size

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